



Open Access Article

Journal of Engineering Research. 2024; 3: (3) ; 111-117 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jer.20240038.

Design of food safety traceability system based on blockchain technology

作者: 陈鑫 *, 龙艳彬, 李芷瑶, 李贺, 王翰墨

辽宁科技大学 辽宁鞍山

*通讯作者: 陈鑫,单位:辽宁科技大学 辽宁鞍山;

发布时间: 2024-09-29 总浏览量: 137



关键词: 区块链技术;食品安全;追溯系统;智能合约;加密算法


Food safety is an important issue related to people's livelihood, and food safety traceability system is one of the key means to ensure food safety. With the development of information technology, blockchain technology provides a new solution for food safety traceability system with its decentralized and tamper-proof characteristics. This paper aims to design a food safety traceability system based on blockchain technology, and realize the whole process traceability of food from production to consumption by building a reliable traceability platform. The system uses intelligent contract technology to automatically record food circulation information, and ensures the security and integrity of data through encryption algorithm. The experimental results show that the system can effectively improve the accuracy and efficiency of food traceability and enhance consumers' trust in food safety.

Key words: Blockchain technology; Food safety; Traceability system; Smart contracts; Encryption algorithm

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陈鑫, 龙艳彬, 李芷瑶, 李贺, 王翰墨, 基于区块链技术的食品安全追溯系统设计[J]. 工程学研究, 2024; 3: (3) : 111-117.