



Open Access Article

Journal of Engineering Research. 2024; 3: (3) ; 51-55 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jer.20240031.

Building Artificial Intelligence with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era Based on Computer Engineering

作者: 王俊儒 *

大连外国语大学 辽宁大连

*通讯作者: 王俊儒,单位:大连外国语大学 辽宁大连;

发布时间: 2024-09-28 总浏览量: 222


当今,中国乃至全球正处于百年未有之大变局。在这一格局中,率先抢占先机者将在新时代获取先发优势,犹如大航海时代的英国以及两次世界大战后的美苏,成为时代的引领者。即将从“信息时代” 迈入的新时代,无疑将是“人工智能时代”,而其中的关键 “先机”便是“人工智能”。在新时代,能掌控更快速、更灵活、更强大的人工智能,并使其有效服务于国家的主体,将成为最终的胜利者。故而,新时代的中国务必利用计算机工程技术,掌握具备中国特色的人工智能,以此推动中国特色社会主义道路更为高效、稳健地前行,实现党的最高理想与最终目标。

关键词: 新时代;人工智能;中国特色;计算机工程


The world, including China, is undergoing unprecedented changes not seen in a century. In this transformative era, those who seize the initiative first will gain a competitive edge, akin to Britain during the Age of Exploration or the United States and the Soviet Union following the two World Wars, becoming leaders of their time. As the world transitions from the "Information Age" into a "New Era," the defining feature of this epoch will undoubtedly be the "Era of Artificial Intelligence." Mastery of faster, more agile, and more powerful AI, coupled with the ability to effectively apply it to serve national interests, will determine the ultimate victors of this era. Therefore, it is imperative for China to harness computer engineering technologies to develop artificial intelligence with distinct Chinese characteristics. This will enable more efficient and steady progress along the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, ultimately achieving the Party's highest ideals and ultimate goals.

Key words: New Era; Artificial Intelligence; Chinese Characteristics; Computer Engineering

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王俊儒, 新时代的中国应以计算机工程为基础构建具有中国特色的人工智能[J]. 工程学研究, 2024; 3: (3) : 51-55.