



Open Access Article

Journal of Engineering Research. 2022; 1: (4) ; 192-195 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jer.20220149.

Application of BOPPPS + Cloud Class Model in Safety Eronomics Teaching

作者: 郭赞 *, 龚彬彬, 郭鹏辉, 金雄

湖南城市学院 湖南益阳

湖南省益阳市大通湖区第一中学 湖南益阳

益阳市赫山区八字哨镇学校 湖南益阳

*通讯作者: 郭赞,单位:湖南城市学院 湖南益阳;

发布时间: 2022-10-19 总浏览量: 976



关键词: 云班课;BOPPPS模式;人机功能匹配;实践教学


In order to promote the autonomous learning consciousness and practical application ability of students,and solve the problem of lots of smombie in the safety man-machine engineering,after briefly introducing connotation of cloud class and BOPPPS,its teaching mode is applied to practical teaching of safety man-machine engineering in this paper.Taking course of Man-machine function matching as an example,the teaching design of safety man-machine engineering is carried out,and the teaching effect is summarized and reflected.Through the practice verification,BOPPPS teaching design under modern intelligent teaching environment,the teaching effectiveness is improved,learning motivation and interest are stimulated,and which provides certain reference for the reform of teaching content design.

Key words: Cloud class; BOPPPS mode; Man-machine function matching; Practical teaching

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