



Open Access Article

Journal of Engineering Research. 2022; 1: (3) ; 90-93 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jer.20220073.

Analysis based on the key technologies of safe operation and maintenance of distribution network

作者: 陈巍 *

国网湖北省电力有限公司恩施供电公司 湖北恩施

*通讯作者: 陈巍,单位:国网湖北省电力有限公司恩施供电公司 湖北恩施;

发布时间: 2022-09-13 总浏览量: 417


泛在电力物联网中大数据的存储和查询是至关重要的环节。本文重点探索了基于规范化集成的数据集成方法和配电网大数据的存储需求,主要研究了Hadoop等系统文件分布情况、HDFS以及Map Reduce模型的框架结构,进而对数据存储分布进行优化升级并且进行联合查询的工作。如何保证配电网设施的可靠、安全、稳定运行,是必须高度重视的问题。分析我国配电网建设的安全与管理,探索当前严重的供电运行质量问题处理和安全维护保障技术,为国家电力系统可靠、安全、可靠的供电管理提供建议。

关键词: 配电网;安全运行;技术


The storage and query of big data in the ubiquitous power Internet of Things is a vital link. This paper focuses on exploring the data integration method based on standardized integration and the storage requirements of big data of distribution network, mainly studies the system file distribution of Hadoop, the framework structure of HDFS and MapReduce model, and then optimize and upgrade the data storage distribution and conduct joint query. How to ensure the reliability, safety and stable operation of the distribution network facilities is a problem that must be highly valued. It analyzes the safety and management of China's distribution network construction, explores the current serious power supply operation quality problem treatment and safety maintenance guarantee technology, and provides suggestions for the reliable, safe and reliable power supply management of the national power system.

Key words: Distribution network; Safe operation; Technology

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陈巍, 基于配电网安全运行维护关键技术分析[J]. 工程学研究, 2022; 1: (3) : 90-93.