



Open Access Article

Journal of Engineering Research. 2022; 1: (3) ; 71-74 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jer.20220068.

Research on the practical teaching system of "production, learning, innovation and application" in shipbuilding and Marine engineering major

作者: 曹爱霞 *, 杜友威, 邵瑞影, 孙洪源, 周新院

青岛黄海学院 山东青岛

山东交通学院 山东济南

*通讯作者: 曹爱霞,单位:青岛黄海学院 山东青岛;

发布时间: 2022-09-09 总浏览量: 911



关键词: 船舶与海洋工程;“产、学、创、用”;一体化;实践教学


Under the background of the continuous improvement of China's economic development level, China's navigation industry has also shown a rapid development trend, and the modern Marine engineering has put forward high requirements for the professional level of engineering and technical personnel. For the majors of shipbuilding and Marine engineering, in order to strengthen the quality of professional teaching, it is necessary to implement the integrated practical teaching of "production, learning, innovation and application", so as to cultivate more high-quality applied technical talents. Based on this, this paper mainly analyzes the integrated practical teaching of "production, learning, innovation, application" in shipbuilding and Marine engineering majors, and hope to provide reference for relevant people.

Key words: Marine and ocean engineering; "Production; learning, innovation and use"; Integration; Practical teaching

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曹爱霞, 杜友威, 邵瑞影, 孙洪源, 周新院, 船舶与海洋工程专业“产、学、创、用”一体的实践教学体系研究[J]. 工程学研究, 2022; 1: (3) : 71-74.